
Fitness & Wellness

Onboarding experience for a wellness app for IOS as part of Ironhack UX/UI Design Bootcamp.


Product designer




The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented changes to our daily lives, with our routines now posing health risks. Many office workers had to switch to remote work, which made it difficult for some to balance work and self-care. To address this issue, I teamed up with another designer and created a corporate fitness app that encourages employees to prioritize fitness during their workweek. The challenge was to design an effective onboarding experience for new users and the user flow to save an exercise to their calendar.


During the pandemic, many office workers had to switch to remote work, making it difficult to balance work and self-care and leading to a decrease in time spent in exercise and employee wellness and productivity.


Aiming to gain further perspective on our potential user's psychology and daily habits, I also conducted qualitative interviews with a group of home office workers. By analysing the results of the survey and interviews, we defined our user persona.


Fitness & Wellness

Onboarding experience for a wellness app for IOS as part of Ironhack UX/UI Design Bootcamp.


Product designer




The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented changes to our daily lives, with our routines now posing health risks. Many office workers had to switch to remote work, which made it difficult for some to balance work and self-care. To address this issue, I teamed up with another designer and created a corporate fitness app that encourages employees to prioritize fitness during their workweek. The challenge was to design an effective onboarding experience for new users and the user flow to save an exercise to their calendar.


During the pandemic, many office workers had to switch to remote work, making it difficult to balance work and self-care and leading to a decrease in time spent in exercise and employee wellness and productivity.


Aiming to gain further perspective on our potential user's psychology and daily habits, I also conducted qualitative interviews with a group of home office workers. By analysing the results of the survey and interviews, we defined our user persona.


Fitness & Wellness

Onboarding experience for a wellness app for IOS as part of Ironhack UX/UI Design Bootcamp.


Product designer




The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented changes to our daily lives, with our routines now posing health risks. Many office workers had to switch to remote work, which made it difficult for some to balance work and self-care. To address this issue, I teamed up with another designer and created a corporate fitness app that encourages employees to prioritize fitness during their workweek. The challenge was to design an effective onboarding experience for new users and the user flow to save an exercise to their calendar.


During the pandemic, many office workers had to switch to remote work, making it difficult to balance work and self-care and leading to a decrease in time spent in exercise and employee wellness and productivity.


Aiming to gain further perspective on our potential user's psychology and daily habits, I also conducted qualitative interviews with a group of home office workers. By analysing the results of the survey and interviews, we defined our user persona.

  1. Discovery and define

Our first step was to understand how people’s exercise habits have been altered by Covid19, their current needs and what was being offered to them as solutions. We prepared a survey to gain this information and validate our assumptions.

Survey findings



Home office workers are exercising less due to lack of equipment and space.

72% exercise less than before switching to home-office



They welcome employee support to work out more during the week but don’t want employers to track their activity.

80% don’t want to share exercise activity with their employer.



Employees prefer to workout in different times of the day and for different durations.

70% likes to exercise before noon and under an hour.



Employees have different preferences when it comes to the type of exercises they want to do.

40% prefers cardio while 30% prefer low impact exercises such as yoga.

Competitor analysis

Prior to exploring design options, we conducted a competitor analysis on corporate fitness providers. We discovered that the online corporate fitness market had grown significantly since the pandemic.

To position ourselves effectively, we identified a gap in the market: none of our competitors offered a way for employees to share their fitness schedules with their employers. We decided to differentiate our product by providing this feature.

  1. Ideation and design

Ideation and user flow

To test this idea, we needed to figure out how the employees could exercise within working hours without hindering performance. Through research we realized that even before Covid, companies encouraged employee fitness with office gyms. The key was to set guidelines about duration and define available time slots.

Building on these findings, we developed an admin feature that allows for the definition of available time slots to encourage collaboration among team members. Before creating the prototype, we mapped the user flow for a first-time user who sets up their preferences and saves a workout to their calendar.

  1. Testing

Prototyping and testing

Obtaining early feedback was critical to ensure a positive user experience. Following the user flow, I designed the mid-fi prototype and tested it with users.

The test results were mostly positive, and we made further design improvements based on user feedback such as adding the “skip” and “back” buttons during the onboarding questionaire.

  1. Implementation

Branding and design system

When selecting a name for the app, we wanted to convey its core value of promoting self-care through fitness. After numerous trials, we settled on "FitBreak" because of its memorability. To create a professional yet energetic brand identity, we chose a complementary color palette of warm yellows and vibrant purple. Our typeface selection reflects the brand's optimistic, encouraging, and nurturing tone.

The design system consisted of simple yet flexible components and a clear hierarchy created through use of forms and colors that suited the app’s needs.

  1. Final design

With the branding and design system established, we designed thte high-fidelity prototype for the user flow, which details how a first-time user can set their exercise preferences and save an exercise to their business calendar.